A junior web developer can code really fast, but will often
make many more mistakes. Some errors in logic can be, but especially
methodological errors, which can waste a lot of time and make the maintenance
of the application much more difficult. The mistakes of a junior web developer
are often the same: lack of planning, refusal to give up, etc.
We relied on an article published by a web design company in Pakistan
to offer you a tour of the 10 classic mistakes of a junior web developer. A
must-read for any junior web developer, but also for the people who work with
1) Write the code without planning anything
In general, high-quality editorial content cannot be created
easily. It requires careful thought and research. The creation of computer programs
is no exception. Writing quality programs is a process where you have to take
steps: think, research, plan, write, validate, modify. Unfortunately, there is
no good acronym for this.
One of the most common mistakes as a newbie programmer is
starting to write code without much thought and research. While this might work
for a small standalone app, it does have a negative effect on larger apps. Just
like you need to think before you say something that you might regret, you need
to think before you code.
Coding is also a way to communicate your thoughts.
Programming is mostly about reading the previous code, finding out what is
needed and how to fit it into the current system, and planning to write
functions with small additions. The actual writing of the lines of code is only
10% of the whole process. Programming is a creativity based on logic not just
lines of code.
2) plan too much before writing the code
Yes, planning before you dive into writing code is good, but
even good things can do you a disservice when you overdo it. Don't look for a
perfect plan, it doesn't exist in the programming world. Your plan will change
along the way anyway, but what it's good for is forcing you to stay structured.
This leads to more clarity in your code.
Too much planning is a waste of time. We're only talking
about planning for small features. This is what we call the waterfall approach,
which is a linear plan with separate stages that must be completed one by one.
Writing programs should be reactive activity. You'll add
features you never would have thought of in a waterfall plan. You have to fix
the bugs and adapt to the changes. However, you should plan your next features
to a minimum. Do this very carefully because too little planning and too much
planning can adversely affect the quality of your code. You have to choose the
right dosage.
3) Underestimate the importance of code quality
If you can only focus on one aspect of the code, it should
be its readability. An unclear code will go straight to the trash. Never
underestimate the importance of code quality. Your main job as a coder is to
clearly communicate the implementations of all the solutions you are working
on. Even the little things matter. For example, if you are not consistent with
your indentation, you should just stop the code.
Another simple thing is the use of long lines. Anything over
80 characters are much more difficult to read. You might be tempted to put a
long condition on the same line to keep a block more visible, that's a mistake.
Never go beyond the 80 character limit. Lots of simple problems like this can
be easily solved with formatting tools. In JavaScript, we have two great tools
that work perfectly together: ESLint and Prettier.
4) Choose the first solution
While the first solution you find can be tempting, the best
solutions are usually discovered as soon as you start to look at all the
possible solutions. If you can't find more than one solution to a problem, it's
probably a sign that you don't fully understand the problem. Your job as a
programmer is not to find a solution to the problem, but to find THE easiest
solution to the problem. By "simple" we mean that the solution must
work well and perform well, while still being simple enough to read, understand
and maintain.
5) "Non-abandonment"
Another common mistake is to stick with the first solution
even after identifying that it may not be the easiest approach. This is
probably psychologically related to the “no-give up” mentality. It's a good
mindset to have in most activities, but it shouldn't apply to programming. In
fact, when it comes to programming, the “right” mindset often fails. As soon as
you start to doubt a solution, you should consider rethinking the problem, no
matter how much you have invested in that solution. Source control tools like
GIT can help you experiment with many different solutions.
6) Don't use Google
There are surely times when you have wasted time when you
could have searched for the solution on Google. Unless you are using cutting
edge technology, when you have a problem there is a good chance that someone
else will encounter the same problem and find a solution. Save yourself some
time and use Google. Sometimes Google reveals that what you thought was a
problem isn't really, and what you need to do is not fix it, but rather adapt
it. Don't assume that you know everything about choosing a solution to a
problem. Google will surprise you. However, be careful what you search for on
Google. Another sign of a beginner is copying and using code as is without
understanding it. Although this code may correctly resolve your problem,
7) Plan for the future
It is often tempting to think beyond the solution you write.
All kinds of scenarios will pop up in your head with every line of code you
write. But it would be a mistake to use this in each case. Don't write code
that you don't need today. Writing a feature because you think you might need
it in the future is just pointless. Always write the minimum amount of code
that you need today for the solution you are implementing.
8) Not using the right data structures
When preparing for interviews, novice programmers usually
put too much emphasis on algorithms. It's good to identify good algorithms and
use them when needed, but memorizing them won't help your genius. However,
memorizing the strengths and weaknesses of the different data structures that
you can use in your language will certainly make you a better developer. This
article is not intended to teach you about data structures.
Do not use stacks
When writing code that requires some form of recursion, it
is always tempting to use simple recursive functions. However, it is generally
difficult to optimize recursive code, especially in single-threaded
environments. For example, optimizing a recursive function that returns two or
more calls to itself is much more difficult than optimizing a recursive
function that simply returns a single call to itself. What we tend to overlook
as newbies is that there is an alternative to using recursive functions. You
can just use a stack structure.
9) Don't write tests
If you think that you are an expert programmer and that your
thinking gives you the confidence to write code without testing, you are a
beginner. If you don't write tests in code, you'll probably be testing your
program in another way, manually. If you are building a web app, you will refresh
and interact with the app after each line of code. There is nothing wrong with
manually testing your code. However, you must manually test your code to
determine how to test it automatically. If you successfully test an interaction
with your application, you should go back to your editor and write code to
automatically perform the same interaction the next time you add code to the
project. You are a human being. You will forget to test all previously
successful validations after each code change. Let a computer do it. If you
can, guess or design your validations first before you even write the code to
satisfy them. Test-Driven Development (TDD) isn't just a “hype”. It positively
affects how you think about your features and how to create a better design for
them. TDD isn't for everyone and it doesn't work well for all projects, but if
you can use it (even partially) you should. Test-Driven Development (TDD) isn't
just a “hype”. It positively affects how you think about your features and how
to create a better design for them. TDD isn't for everyone and it doesn't work
well for all projects, but if you can use it (even partially) you should.
Test-Driven Development (TDD) isn't just a “hype”. It positively affects how
you think about your features and how to create a better design for them. TDD
isn't for everyone and it doesn't work well for all projects, but if you can
use it (even partially) you should.
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