Are you a doctor or a health-related professional? Yes? Then keep reading because this post will be very interesting for you since I will talk to you about what web pages for doctors and health professionals should be like.

Suffice it to say here that we live in the third decade of the 21st century, and people's habits have changed completely. Business cards have been forgotten (although people continue to insist on using them). Today everyone carries a mobile in their hand, and when they need information, they can find it quickly. Not only that, as soon as you find it, you can just as quickly save it to that same device and integrate it with other apps like calendars, messaging, mail, and more.

Take a look at your sector, surely most of the patients under 50 years of age request their consultations by telephone or electronically (and if they do not do so, it is because you do not facilitate the process for them); Through the same telematic means, they can access their reports, analyses, X-rays; they can arrange their appointments and integrate them into their calendars.

Do I need a website if I'm a doctor?

Yes, I know what you are going to tell me, that you don't need a website because you have your file on sites like Doctoralia or Top Doctors, and that is enough for you.

Really? Do you want to always depend on external companies for the digital part of your business without having absolute control of them in your webspace? Do you want the digital image that your patients perceive of your consultation to be offered by those websites?

I do not mean to say that these services are not very useful for those who cannot afford their web space or complement those who do, but it will always be better to have absolute control over the core of your business than have others.

Let's say it's like having your consultation in which you decide on its design, choose the material, set the hours prices, or have a consultation in a health center, where, yes, it is cheaper, and they give you a good service, but not under your control and direction.

Think now that websites for doctors are like having your practice, but, of course, much cheaper

Once all this is clarified, let's get to the topic.

Which Medical Website Design is used for doctors and healthcare professionals, and how it looks like?

Firstly, you must be clear about one thing: that web pages for doctors are professional pages. Their main objective is to serve as a virtual business card and a means of disseminating your work, training, professional qualification, and skills.

And a professional website should be like a house you live in: beautiful, of course, but above all, livable and comfortable, both for you and all the guests who enter it. Therefore, it should not be a place where only design prevails (although this is fundamental) since its true purpose is that it serves a purpose and that you are comfortable with it. In addition, it would be very good if, like a house, they could easily carry out redecorations, reforms and, hopefully, extensions.

Not only that, web pages for doctors must have particularly comfortable or simple navigation, since they are often used by people who suffer from pain or some illness and who, therefore, while browsing the web are not lying down peacefully having a coffee No, They need information or make an appointment. They need to be able to get this quickly and easily.

These all sound like platitudes, right? You would be surprised to see how many of the websites for doctors and health professionals that I have seen do not meet these requirements, common to all professional websites for SMEs and freelancers, but that in your sector have some peculiarities.

The 5-second test

What's this? Something very simple and useful. If you already have a website, ask someone who has never seen your website to open it and scroll down for 5 seconds. When that time has passed, ask them to list what they have seen and read.

On the Internet, attention is very fleeting, and in those 5 seconds, it must have been very clear to them what the web is about, what types of services you offer, and if you can be useful to them. Rest assured, if someone who doesn't know you comes to your website and in 5 seconds they don't have this information, they will simply leave to find someone else to give it to them.

From the first moment, it has to be clear what type of doctor, dentist, physiotherapist, etc., you are (this applies to all health professionals), what services you offer and what kind of patients you treat.

The content of medical websites

Let's imagine that your website has passed the first test and you have managed to get your patients to leave the hall of your house. Now you have to get them to stay, and for this, you have to make it clear how you can help them what benefits they can obtain if they stay.

Show who you are, what you do, and how you do it. It shows why they should choose you over your competitors (experience, quality of service, technological innovations, availability), includes testimonials from satisfied customers, answers their questions.

Think that when someone arrives at your website, they usually do so from Google, and there they have found you looking for information about someone who does something well, show them from your website that it is indeed you. As I said before, people's attention on the Internet is very fleeting, and if they find you and you offer them what they are looking for, they will most likely not look any further.

Compatibility with all types of devices

A current website must adapt to all devices (that is, responsive ). Your website must provide a pleasant browsing experience on all devices, adapting to different types of screens.

Currently, more than 70% of access to web pages occurs from mobile devices, and this is especially important in the health sector, where you go to look for information when you feel sick, wherever you are. You may not have a computer on that site, but surely you will have a mobile.

The web content must adapt and reposition itself according to the size of the screen so that the user experience is always ideal.

Speed and Security

Before we talked about the 5-second test, those seconds must be counted from when they type your address in the browser or give the link in Google, not when they enter your website.

What happens? If your hosting is slow or your website has elements that slow down the load, it may be that in those 5 seconds, you hardly have had time to see anything other than a white screen. A website should load in a maximum of 3 seconds. If it exceeds that time, possibly whoever reaches it will get fed up and leave without seeing the content.

Your website must be secured using the HTTPS protocol and show the closed padlock at the top of the browser bar, indicating that it is secure. This is especially important if you want reservations, purchases, or the like to be made on your website.


Design is essential on a website. I have already told you that the essential thing is that people will come to your website to KNOW, but this does not mean they do not want to SEE.

The information displayed in an orderly, clean and beautiful container will always attract much more attention than a website with unpleasant color schemes, unbalanced or disproportionate page designs, pages that do not look finished.

Remember that web design is akin to platform shoes and flared pants; yes, it goes out of style. You may have a website created 3-4 years ago, which was then the most of the most, and that today is outdated, not only technically but also visually.

What colors should web pages for doctors and health professionals have?

Although they will vary a lot according to the sector, depending on the corporate image of each professional, the backgrounds are usually white, something perfect to give cleanliness to the design and to transmit that same purity and clarity to the users, and they usually contrast with different shades of blue or green, both because they are the most repeated colors in the sector. So, again, because of the cleanliness, confidence, and freshness they convey.

Now, this is not essential, and we can show you many websites that, starting from the white background, play with other contrasting colors and are perfect (at the end of the post, we will tell you about one that we have made and that is a clear example of this).

Images and videos

The design can be very good, but it requires images that complement and highlight it. If blurry or poorly lit photos are inserted, developing a beautiful and functionally wonderful website is useless.

The resource images can be taken from photo banks, where you will find thousands adapted to your specialty. If you go for this option, choose paid photo banks, where you can get hundreds of images adapted to your situation for a fairly affordable amount compared to the cost of the web.

Use photos that potential patients can relate to, photos that represent your target demographic, with people looking satisfied.

Now, along with these, it is always advisable to customize the image section as much as possible. To do this, a photo session in which the professional and his team and the Center appear is almost essential and will mark a plus of quality compared to websites that only have bank photos.

Video is currently gaining prominence in storytelling, so if you can insert a presentation video, it will add value to your website.

And what about the photos of treatments?

Here it will depend on the specialty because, in some cases, it is more important than in others. In specialties related to people's aesthetic appearance, a complete photographic gallery is essential, paying special attention to the BEFORE AND AFTER of each case to see the evolution.

That yes, think that your website is oriented to the user, not to other professionals (this does not mean that you do not have a section for them, but separate from the sections for patients). A user is not interested in photos of an operation. Even more, they can be repulsive to them. Therefore, overly graphic photos are something you should never include for your clients, and if you do, always show a warning beforehand.


On a medical website, the blog is very important. Why? Because as I said in a previous section, your website must convey the reasons for choosing you. It must convey your knowledge. You know your sector, that you are up to date in terms of medical treatments and advances, that you propose useful treatments, that you deal with success stories.

Not only that, before I told you that your website should be aimed at the end-user, but if you want to create a space for technical articles, this could be the blog, where you will create a section of practical and academic articles aimed at professionals.

But it is that in addition, a blog can help you a lot to position your website in search engines, to improve its SEO, that which is sought by all those who have a website. In other words, to appear before other similar websites in Google for a specific search. 

The sections

We will not stop in this post to comment on the specific sections that your website should have because the website of an internist will be the same as that of a maxillofacial surgeon or that of a physiotherapist.

But even being different, all of them have in common most of the sections that most professional websites have.

  • Home or home page
  • We (talking about the professional, his team, and his Center, although this can be divided into several different pages)
  • Treatments or services
  • Photo gallery
  • Blog / News
  • Contact

Other features

We have just seen a typical structure, but as I say, health websites often have other types of specific functionalities. I will give you several examples

  • Appointments: an appointment system, which can be carried out through a contact form or an external application such as Calendly
  • Online consultations: either by receiving the information on the web and using an external service such as Zoom or by inserting a proprietary communication system with the patient on the web.
  • Online-store: to sell products or services directly from the web.
  • Private areas: if, for example, you want to include a training component for professionals on the web, you could teach the online courses directly from a private area of ​​the web. A private area could also be created to share additional information with certain patients offer them exclusive services.

And the languages?

So, what about languages? Should you have your page in English French? It depends on what you want to achieve with it, where you are located and what market you want to reach. Remember that your website is a showcase, you decide what to put on it, and the logical thing is that you put the best of you.

If you live in a city on the coast or the border, with a good number of foreign patients, or if you provide some type of exclusive service that attracts citizens from other countries, I see it as more than necessary, but always keep in mind that the translation of the website has to go together with how you provide your services. If you do not speak English or plan to work in that market, and your followers do not speak it, do not put your website in English. You will not generate confusion that may harm you. 

And if you decide to duplicate your page in another language, adapt the content and do not saturate the website of another language with useless content. Instead, focus only on what your patients from another language may be interested in (for example, if you have English, Russian, Italian clients. and you only provide them with some of your services, translate only those).

How are the web pages for doctors that we develop?

In this post, I have tried to convey two messages. First of all, how should your websites be, and secondly, how do we make the websites, because there is nothing better than leading by example? You can contact Healthcare Marketing Agency for developing a high-rated website.
