The new habits of consumers, highly connected, informed and hyperactive, bring to the market a series of needs and demands, adding intuitiveness and instantaneity to the act of purchase. Therefore, it is necessary to work on marketing strategies to not fall behind concerning the competition.

This scenario requires companies to resort to more efficient methodologies to generate a competitive advantage. The adage that "first impressions last" has never been truer than it is today. Therefore, protective packaging as a standout tool appears as an excellent alternative.

The main issue is to use them as a way to delight and connect with the customer. Such action is already one of the most common ways to keep brands strong and economically healthy. Read the post and discover four tips for using protective packaging as a competitive advantage!

How to use protective packaging as a competitive differential?

We started by mentioning the protective packaging as a great asset for your marketing strategies, making them the main competitive advantage when selling products or services. Check out the best tips we've prepared below!

Make creative protective packaging

The first suggestion is to exercise creativity and materialize it directly on the protective packaging. After all, it is a powerful instrument of persuasion and appeals launched directly to the consumer.

At points of sale, attractive protective packaging can win the customer over in seconds. Therefore, it is considered a great attraction tool that must be present in business marketing strategies. In addition to being a connection point for the brand, where it is possible to show the company's positioning and differentials to the consumer.

The magnetism created by original protective packaging is so great that it can culminate even in purchase decisions based purely on emotion. It is explained: even without the initial need for a certain item, the individual chooses to buy it due to the impact of the competitive differential.

Use practical protective packaging

Using protective packaging as a competitive advantage does not only mean focusing on visual aspects; paying attention to practicality is essential. Remember that people often perform multiple activities throughout the day, moving from one place to another to work, exercise, take courses, etc.

This intense pace requires, for example, practical meals, non-perishable and sometimes in easy-to-keep portioned portions. That is, many consumers appreciate using practical protective packaging.

Efficient closing systems that can be opened closed, and reopened easily are also relevant differentials. To meet the needs of a new consumer profile and develop correct marketing strategies, it is necessary to keep your eyes open concerning dynamic and fast-paced lifestyles.

Create a unique package

Exclusive protective packaging, with bold design, differentiated materials and suitable color and typography, usually arouses the desire of even the most skeptical consumers. Therefore, it is also a valid measure to adopt in this search for a competitive advantage.

Remember that packages like this will not be sold continuously but only during a pre-defined period, categorized as "limited editions."

Invest in unique packages and promote campaigns at the point of sale. So, you can see how this tactic is one of the marketing strategies related to protective packaging that adds value and meaning to the item.

It is a methodology that demands research and deep analysis of the end customer. The good news is that extra financial resources do not appear on the list of requirements since the cost is already built into the marketing value.

Establish expressive protective packaging

The fourth tip concerns thinking about items marked by a certain expressiveness. Again, it is no exaggeration to say that the protective packaging manages to insert itself in environments in which the brand is often unable to do so.

This happens because the protective packaging is the spokesperson for all the company's communication to the consumer as if it were a business card or even the face of the business. Therefore, the challenge is to know how it is possible to present a good image of the corporation to customers.

Therefore, through the protective packaging, the brand can consolidate its values ​​and create emotional bonds with the consumer based on his experience when using and/or consuming a certain product.

Another method is to invite people to visit the company's website or social media pages on the protective packaging.
