What is teeth whitening; everything you need to know

teeth whitening

Dental Teeth whitening techniques will help you achieve a brilliant smile. Showing off careful dental aesthetics requires good oral condition and presenting beautiful white teeth that convey a hygienic and healthy image.

Currently, just over 36% of people are satisfied with the color of their teeth. However, many would like a whiter and more aesthetic color of teeth.

A stained or pigmented dentition negatively influences the image we transmit. If you need to improve your dental appearance, resort to a whitening dental treatment and leave your complex behind. Smile with fullness!

What is Teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a technique used in aesthetic dentistry whose goal is the elimination of dental staining. Its main function is to recover a whiter and more dazzling pigmentation in the patient's teeth.

If you apply a treatment of this type, it is important to put yourself in the hands of trained and qualified dentists. Professionalism is required to apply the bleaching agents and the appropriate technical protocol.

Why do teeth darken?

Dental staining is mainly due to bad habits and inadequate oral hygiene care. The stains are classified according to their typology in intrinsic and extrinsic. Do you know how they differ?

Intrinsic or endogenous dental stains

They affect the teeth during their formative phase before the teeth erupt in the gums. They develop due to consuming certain medicinal substances, such as tetracyclines, due to enamel hypoplasia, vitamin deficiency or fluorosis.

Within this group, there is also staining on already erupted teeth produced by blows, fractures or the natural aging of the teeth.

Extrinsic or exogenous dental stains

Generated by the contact of the dental pieces with external agents capable of pigmentation. The abuse of certain foods or drinks, such as wine, tea and coffee, and products, such as tobacco or alcohol, can cause dental staining. The use of certain oral rinses or toothpaste with chlorhexidine can also cause this effect on your teeth.

Main types of Teeth whitening

Depending on the type of denture on which the Teeth whitening treatment will be applied and its staining conditions, one technique or another will be applied. Do you want to meet them?

Whitening in vital teeth

This technique is the most common and is performed on teeth with roots, vital ones. It can be of two types depending on how it is done:

Whitening in the dental clinic:

The treatment is carried out in the dental clinic. Before starting the whitening process, it is necessary to carry out an adequate professional cleaning and review the patient's oral condition.

It is a safe and effective method if done under the supervision of a dentist. This technique uses a bleaching agent based on hydrogen peroxide.

This chemical compound is 35% concentrated and is applied to employ a light source. Precision is essential, so putting yourself in expert hands will ensure a good result.

Ambulatory bleaching:

The treatment takes place at the patient's home but is under control and dental advice. The concentration of carbamide peroxide is 10%.

The application of this product is made through a custom splint dispensed by the dentist. Before treatment, it is also necessary to perform prevention and assess the patient's oral status.

Virginia Dental care is one of the best dental clinic in Arlington, VA. You can also check our site at https://vadentalcare.com/

